Monday 2/3 Insider Buying Report: NWBI, RGLS Monday, February 3, 11:48 AM ET
As the saying goes, there are many possible reasons for an insider to sell a stock, but only one reason to buy -- they expect to make money. So let's look at two noteworthy recent insider buys.
On Friday, Northwest Bancshares' Director, Timothy M. Hunter, made a $131,300 purchase of NWBI, buying 10,000 shares at a cost of $13.13 a piece. Investors have the opportunity to pick up NWBI at a price even lower than Hunter did, with shares trading as low as $12.63 at last check today which is 3.8% below Hunter's purchase price. Northwest Bancshares is trading down about 2.7% on the day Monday. Before this latest buy, Hunter made one other buy in the past twelve months, purchasing $113,000 shares at a cost of $11.30 a piece.
And at Regulus Therapeutics, there was insider buying on Thursday, by Chief Executive Officer Joseph P. Hagan who purchased 50,000 shares for a cost of $1.09 each, for a total investment of $54,260. This buy marks the first one filed by Hagan in the past twelve months. Regulus Therapeutics is trading up about 10% on the day Monday.
For, I'm Sayoko Murase.